
Thailand: The Trip

Hello from Thailand! My Blogger interface seems to be stuck entirely in Thai so hopefully I push the right buttons to get this published! It’s Friday night (29 Dec) in Chiang Mai, Ryne is out exploring the bar scene with Austin, and I am finally sitting down to type out every detail I can about our trip to Thailand. I meant to do this on our honeymoon to the Cook Islands last year but WiFi was rare and expensive, so I never got around to it, and it bums me out to have forgotten the little details. But Southeast Asia loves their Internet, so lets jump in! The Trip: Well I feel pretty fortunate that my plan for adjusting to Thailand time (Arizona time + 14 hours) worked out, so I feel justified in saying candidly: Alcohol.  The answer to time change is alcohol, just that kind of slight buzz that makes you sleep at any time of day. We were ready to leave our house earlier than expected on the way to the airport, so we caught a Liverpool game at Rose and Crown at 1pm and beers at ...